5 million TL to be transferred to Küçükköy through SENTRUM

Ayvalık Küçükköy to set an example for sustainable tourism with its green destination model through the ongoing SENTRUM project, carried out in collaboration with Enerjisa Enerji, Sabancı University and UNDP
Ayvalık, January 19, 2022 - - The first phase of the SENTRUM project, which was launched last year in August by Enerjisa Energy, Sabancı University and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to turn Ayvalık Küçükköy into a sustainable energy-based tourism application centre, has been completed. The purpose of the SENTRUM project is to increase the access of the tourism sector, one of the most significant sectors in the Turkish economy, to renewable energy, to improve its energy efficiency potential and to contribute to the transformation of the sector into a sustainable structure.
Efforts to expand energy efficiency, renewable energy and other sustainable tourism practices in tourism-related businesses and public buildings continue at full speed in Küçükköy, where is prepared to set an example with its "green destination model” in Turkey.
Green solutions and energy-efficient practices to increase
In line with the project, the preliminary surveys were conducted at 8 small-scale enterprises operating in the tourism sector in the region, and their current status of energy consumption points, analyses of energy performance, energy efficiency and conservation opportunities were evaluated. The prominent efficiency area in these enterprises was determined as lighting. 80 to 95% of the energy will be saved by only replacing the lightbulbs with LED bulbs.
Thanks to the survey conducted based on these enterprises, other businesses to be selected in the region will be supported to replace the energy-inefficient equipment they use. Moreover, awareness-raising training and events on energy, environment and sustainable tourism will be organised for business owners and local people.
In order to support agriculture, which is one of the significant income sources of the region, partnerships will be built with local producers as part of responsible production and consumption; hence, agriculture and tourism will support each other.
Furthermore, tourism values in the region were determined and global green destination standards and good practices in various countries were examined as part of the plans to make the region a green destination.
Innovative energy practices to be implemented on the landmarks in the region
With a perspective that can pioneer the sustainable tourism practices, the goal is to create self-sufficient structures by providing energy efficiency without disturbing the structures of the buildings partaking in the project. Through the surveys conducted at Halis Komili Primary School, Küçükköy Culture Centre, Küçükköy Central Mosque, City Museum and Creative Technologies Workshop, areas to use energy efficiently and points to be improved were discussed. Thanks to the project, buildings that utilise their energy effectively and take their energy from the nature will become a role model in the region, which will take the project one step closer to the sustainability goals. Enerjisa Enerji, which will integrate Electric Vehicles Charging Station solutions with Eşarj, LED Lighting Conversion and the Solar Energy System under the umbrella of Energy of My Business, will thus transfer 5 million TL to the activities to be carried out as part of the SENTRUM project.
Speaking about the current situation of the SENTRUM project, Ebru Taşcıoğlu, Head of Sustainability and Corporate Competencies Department of Enerjisa Enerji stated: “The SENTRUM project, which we believe will add value to the future of tourism sector in the region as well as nationwide, will help Küçükköy reveal its potential and carry this potential to the point it deserves. After launching the project, we have been receiving positive feedback from local people and authorities, which excites and motivates us. We will not limit the scope of our project to tourism-related businesses, buildings and museums in the region. At Enerjisa Enerji, we support this process, which will be the beginning of a great transformation, with the integration of products under the umbrella of the "Energy of My Business", in which we consider energy efficiency, conservation, reduction of carbon emissions, and promotion of the use of renewable energy resources altogether. In line with this perspective, we will continue to participate in projects that will contribute to the future of the energy industry and our country for a greener world.
Furthermore, we have the goal to contribute to raising awareness of local people and our children on energy efficiency and sustainable tourism; hence, we are here with our “I Protect My Energy” Children's Theatre, which we have been staging for 11 years.”
Mustafa Ali Yurdupak, Public Sector Policies and Services Portfolio Manager at UNDP, stated, “UNDP has been carrying out several activities on sustainable tourism, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy resources in various regions in Turkey in order to support sustainable development for several years. The SENTRUM project that we have launched in Küçükköy is an initiative that we transfer our experience in related fields and that we believe will contribute to local economic development.
With the green destination model that we are trying to develop, our goal is to transform Küçükköy to a destination where energy efficiency is sustained in every area from commercial enterprises to public buildings, renewable energy practices are adopted, businesses supply their agricultural products from local producers, water is used efficiently, wastes are separated, the culture of the locals are preserved, and people would like to visit the area, not only in summer months, but in all four seasons. I believe that we will create a complete awareness on sustainable tourism and energy through the practices we will carry out and training we will prove in the region”.sentrum projesi
Rasim Karas, Secretary General at Sabancı University remarked, “At Sabancı University, we always believe in the power of creating and developing together. Thus, we build up partnerships with the private sector, public institutions and industrial organisations to carry out projects and activities that contribute to the society. At the Sabancı University Creative Technologies Workshop, which we launched in 2019 with the goal to raise individuals with awareness on the problems of the world, who have the will and ability to find solutions to problems and who can achieve sustainable development, we have provided science and technology-oriented training to 1649 students from 24 different schools so far.
Now, we are transforming Küçükköy into a Sustainable Green Destination Model in partnership with Enerjisa Enerji and UNDP in the SENTRUM Project hosted by the Sabancı University Creative Technologies Workshop. The SENTRUM project, which we have launched in a very short time and started to observe the outcomes of the project very soon, will be a pioneer in supporting green tourism. We are proud that the Creative Technologies Workshop is hosting such an important project”.
In order to ensure local ownership and inclusiveness, the municipalities, relevant public institutions, NGOs, universities and local people will also participate in the project activities. With the Green Energy Centre to be established at the Sabancı University Creative Technologies Workshop in Küçükköy, awareness will be raised on energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Launched in August 2021 in partnership with Enerjisa Enerji, Sabancı University and UNDP, the Centre for Tourism Practices Based on Sustainable Energy (SENTRUM) initiative will be completed in 18 months.
*For further details on the Sustainable Development Goals: kureselamaclar.org
Ogün Hızarcı, Enerjisa Enerji, ogun.hizarci@enerjisa.com
Bahar Paykoç, UNDP Turkey, bahar.paykoc@undp.org
Mehmet Akçay, Sabancı University, mehmet.akcay@sabanciuniv.edu
ENERJISA Enerji A.Ş., a subsidiary of Sabancı Holding and E.ON, has been focusing on operational excellence in its two main business lines, i.e., electricity distribution and retail, since its establishment in 1996. Providing distribution services to more than 21 million users through its 10.1 million customers in 14 provinces, Enerjisa Enerji also makes significant contributions to sustainability thanks to its human-, technology- and solution-oriented electricity distribution investments and operations. Having the goal to assess new opportunities in the sector and creating value for its partners, customers, employees, suppliers and community during the course of its activities, Enerjisa Enerji achieved the largest private sector public offering of Turkey by taking 20 percent of its shares public on February 8, 2018 and started trading at Borsa Istanbul.
UNDP has been establishing partnerships with people from all segments of the society for more than 50 years with the purpose of building communities that can endure crises, and increasing and maintaining growth that would raise the level of quality of life. UNDP offers global perspective and local insights that would contribute in creating strong individuals and strong societies in 177 countries and regions in the field. tr.undp.org
Located in Ayvalık Küçükköy, Sabancı University Creative Technologies Workshop aims to raise individuals focused on developing solutions to sustainable development problems. The science and technology training provided at Küçükköy Creative Technologies Workshop are primarily benefitted by women and children from 8 to 15.