What is Ecological Transformation?

What is Ecological Transformation?
Ecological transformation means recycling or processing of materials for reuse in order to protect the environment. Our planet does not only belong to us, but is a shared habitat for all living species. Each waste that pollutes the world also has a negative impact on human life as well as the environment. Thus, “ecological transformation” is a life plan that is of great importance not only for fauna and flora, but also for human life. Our common task and primary responsibility is to give importance to ecological transformation. Just as institutions and organizations take into account the environment and public health in production… individuals also need to be sensitive about ecological transformation. What we should do is hidden in the details; for example, we should learn the ingredients of the products we buy, use recycled products, etc.
What is the Definition of Ecological Transformation?
Ecological Transformation means processing of used or no-longer-used materials and presenting them to the consumer; i.e., recycling. Many products, including glass, metals, paper, plastics, etc., can be recycled. In other words, materials, such as paper, glass, metal or plastic, which becomes waste after use, go through physical and chemical processes and offered back to manufacturing process. Thus, waste is reduced, reshaped and brought into use worldwide.
In brief, ecological recycling can be considered a social and individual awareness-raising movement that prevents the planet from becoming a dumpsite for humans.
Please check these references issued by the UN for further details on ecological transformation. These guiding documents, issued by the UNDP Turkey Acceleration Laboratory, contain various information on composting, ecological production suggestions in the city, etc. The term 'ecological transformation' is becoming more and more common in Turkey. Several institutions and organizations now have projects regarding the issue. For further details, please check the efforts of Buğday (Wheat) Association on ecological transformation here.
In order to understand ecological transformation better, we have to initially understand the term 'ecological balance'. Check our article titled “What is Ecological Balance?” from here.
What is Ecology?
Derived from the Greek terms "oikos" (meaning "home, house, place of residence") and "logos" (meaning “the study of”), the term ecology today studies the life cycles of fauna and flora and their impacts on the environment. To simply put, ecology is a science that scientifically analyze the interaction between organisms and the environment. The science of ecology helps us understand the ecosystems in our world. We have recognized in the past century the fact that several products used in technological, industrial and urban lifestyles of human harm the planet once they lose their function after being used! This is where ecological recycling comes into play.
How to Achieve Ecological Recycling?
Ecological recycling is the investment of humanity in our future. Recycling processes vary by materials;
• Separating and collecting recyclable wastes,
• Categorizing the collected wastes according to their types,
• Transforming wastes and making them re-usable through chemical and physical processes,
• Transforming recycled materials into a new product and bringing them into the economy.
Thus, natural resources are protected and energy and water conservation begins. Carbon emissions from wastes are reduced. The economic life of waste storage facilities is extended. Recycling contributes to the economy and creates employment.
A Philosophy of Integration with Nature: What is Ecological Living?
Flora and fauna, natural formations, i.e., human species, which is at the top of the ecology pyramid, is the only species that has the opportunity to help the aging planet to heal itself.
The philosophy of ecological living adopts a lifestyle that protects and respects all living organisms and systems that live in harmony. The philosophy means to return to a life in harmony with nature just two centuries ago from the developments that polluted the world such as the industrial revolution, urbanization, transportation and communication technologies.
What are Ecological Lifestyles?
The ecological lifestyles that endeavor to preserve the perfect balance of nature via various tools and methods simply reject all factors that are not in harmony with nature. A peaceful model that is nested with nature and away from technology pollution is adopted.
Ecological lifestyles use technology for soil, air, water and all kinds of source pollution and seek ways to restore the environment. The outcome is the "sustainable society model". The sustainable society model is based on protecting people, plants and animals via organic agriculture and natural treatment methods. The purpose is to use all technological developments to restore the natural life, starting with schools via environmentally friendly methods. Specializing in solar energy, alternative medicine and seed economy are inevitable for a sustainable living model.
What are Ecological Living Conditions?
Required conditions for transition to an ecological living model are as follows;
• Adopt a lifestyle that does not harm living organisms nor disturb the natural life.
• Put efforts to live without generating wastes that are difficult to dissolve.
• Take initiatives to reduce energy consumption.
• Consume organic food and reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture.
• Reduce wasting water.
• Endeavor to preserve the natural balance via technological innovations.
• Choose environmentally-friendly household products.
• Separate wastes considering their characteristics to recycle
• Grow plants suitable for the climate and geographical conditions.
How to Implement Ecological Lifestyle in Daily Life?
Ecological living does not mean living in the countryside away from the city and technology, as many may misinterpret. On the contrary, ecological living covers using technology to restore and rehabilitate nature in anywhere we live, regardless of urban or rural. We would be setting our course for ecological living once we prefer recyclable in everything we consume, including the materials we use in the kitchen, foods, clothes, etc., and separate our waste according to their categories, such as glass, plastics, batteries, plastic and organic wastes, etc.
What are the Mistakes Made in Ecological Living Practices?
Uncertified products are the primary mistakes made in the ecological lifestyle. Supervision throughout the production process is essential. The production process should be recorded and sample products should be examined and certified.
Fast moving consumer goods should be transformed into long-lasting products. For example, if your socks are recycled from waste, but not suitable for recycling, then we cannot say they are sustainable.
People should learn how to decompose waste in order to achieve ecological living.
Today, it is possible to use technology to eliminate faulty practices that destroy natural life. For example, uncertified producers can be listed using technology, they can be trained, and public awareness can be raised.
What is the Contribution of Ecological Recycling to the Environment and Economy?
Once products that do not have any function and that are not used are reintroduced to the economy, then we can talk about saving, and labor and employment opportunities emerge. The search for raw materials for production decreases. Carbon emissions, air and environmental pollution are prevented, thus treatment budgets are reduced.
What is Ecological Footprint?
In brief, ecological footprint is a term in sustainability used to measure human impact on the planet. To simply put, ecological footprint is the results of the impact we create with the products we, the society as well as individuals, use. However, ecological footprint does not mean carbon footprint. On the contrary, ecological footprint is a component of carbon footprint.
Ecological footprint consists of the following components:
1- Carbon capture footprint,
2- Agricultural land footprint,
3- Forest footprint,
4- Structured area footprint,
5- Fishing area footprint,
6- Grassland footprint.
The ecological footprint measures the impact of our collective activities on soil, water, living organisms, air, plant varieties and forests – in short, all of nature.
How to Reduce Ecological Footprint?
Protecting biodiversity, preventing the deterioration of wetlands, increasing green areas that will capture carbon, developing road maps for the efficient use of resources, minimizing the use of fossil fuels by increasing green energy consumption, prioritizing ecological values in urban planning, and accelerating green investments with a collective effort would reduce and restores our ecological footprint.
You, too, can reduce your ecological footprint and contribute to ecological transformation.
Remember that all significant changes require small contributions and individual efforts. Contributions of each and every human being in tackling the global warming due to the climate change and environmental pollution are of great importance. It is not only possible to raise awareness and reduce waste generation via ecological transformation, but also essential for the future of our planet!