Cem Seymen tells the story of transformation that begins in Küçükköy

Cem Seymen tells the story of transformation that begins in Küçükköy with SENTRUM
Enerjisa Enerji collaborated with the successful journalist Cem Seymen to tell the efforts of Enerjisa Enerji, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Sabancı University to make Küçükköy, Ayvalık a center for tourism practices based on sustainable energy and a green destination. The video series consisting of 4 parts is about the activities carried out as part of the SENTRUM project, which was launched in August 2021. The series can be accessed on the YouTube account of Enerjisa.
Launched with the partnership of Enerjisa Enerji, UNDP and Sabancı University, the Center for Tourism Practices Based on Sustainable Energy (SENTRUM) continues to set an example in Turkey. As part of the project, efforts to expand energy efficiency, renewable energy and other sustainable tourism practices in tourism-related businesses and public buildings in Küçükköy, Ayvalık and to develop a green destination model are ongoing at full speed. The video series, which consists of 4 parts and was prepared with Cem Seymen to explain the activities carried out, includes interviews with the executives of Enerjisa Enerji, UNDP Turkey, Sabancı University, local business owners, Ayvalık Mayor and Balıkesir Provincial Director of National Education. The ongoing efforts as part of the project are explained in detail by the project’s stakeholders.
Hosted by Cem Seymen, the first part of the video series gives information about the educational and awareness-raising activities carried out as part of SENTRUM as well as the renewable energy practices of Enerjisa completed in Küçükköy via Enerjisa’s Energy of My Business brand.
We will set an example in Turkey in terms of sustainable tourism practices
Ebru Taşcıoğlu, Head of Sustainability and Corporate Capabilities at Enerjisa Enerji, stated; “Sustainability is a continuously improving area in line with the results from science and rehabilitation studies; so, it requires a very close follow-up. At Enerjisa Enerji, we are aware that we serve in a strategically-significant sector such as energy in Turkey; hence, we constantly review our strategies and work enthusiastically to transform these strategies into solutions to contribute. This project that we have carried out with the support of Sabancı University and UNDP enabled us to work for people, who are aware of their responsibilities, know and follow their rights, to improve themselves and the awareness in the region for regional development.
At Enerjisa Enerji, we also plan to integrate renewable energy systems under the umbrella of Energy of My Business, energy efficiency solutions and EV charging stations as part of e-mobility into the region. With this video series, we have the goal to explain the works carried out in the region since the beginning of the SENTRUM project and raise awareness on sustainable tourism practices and energy efficiency. When our project is completed, Küçükköy, Ayvalık will set a green destination example as part of sustainable tourism.”
SENTRUM Transformation Story Part 1
SENTRUM Transformation Story Part 2
SENTRUM Transformation Story Part 3
Having Sabancı Holding and E. ON SE as its main shareholders, Enerjisa Enerji is Turkey’s leading company in electricity distribution and retail, 20% of which is publicly traded. Enerjisa Enerji provides electricity distribution and retail services at Başkent EDAŞ region covering Ankara, Bartın, Çankırı, Karabük, Kastamonu, Kırıkkale, at Ayedaş region covering the Anatolian Side of Istanbul and Toroslar EDAŞ region covering Adana, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kilis, Mersin and Osmaniye to approximately 22 million people with its over 11,000 employees. Furthermore, Enerjisa Enerji offers customer solutions that contribute to the environment and sustainability, including the installation of Solar Power Plants and LED lighting conversions nationwide besides operating in the EV charging industry via its affiliate Eşarj.
You can find on open.undp.org, detailed information on UNDP’s all development projects in some 170 countries and territories worldwide. open.undp.org is a component of UNDP’s implementation of International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) to which UNDP is a signatory. Click for further details: Enerjisa Enerji A.Ş. | Yeşil Destinasyon Modeli - ENERJİSA