• Monitoring energy consumption, monitoring the measures taken for energy efficiency to obtain fundamental information regarding energy consumption

• Reducing energy consumption, enabling the destination to generate its own energy through renewable energy resources and increasing the share of renewable energy in consumption

• Reducing the dependence on the fossil fuel and GHG emissions

• Increasing the resilience of the destination by developing facilities as part of adaptation to the climate change: Increasing the number of energy-efficient structures

• Using light-emitting diodes, which is an effective form of lighting

• Providing training to housekeeping personnel on energy efficiency and maintenance of electrical appliances

• Preparing mini menus instead of mini bars in the hotel rooms

• Not turning on the A/C in the rooms unless required; and, if turned on, limiting the temperature setting to 4°C or 5°C lower than the outside temperature.

• Using energy-efficient electrical appliances at businesses

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